Long time no see huh!!

Assalamualaikum wbth.. Hamdolillah, at last, I get a free time to update my beloved blog.. There are really lots of work to do as there are tests and quizes and also there a lot of meetings that I have to attend them all.. Really busy this week..but now i'm here! 

    A lot of things happened for the whole week.. Microeconomics test, meetings for the KMI camp and planning to make the meeting for the PKA's club..waaa..... it makes my head like to BOOOM!!!
Actually I juz come back from the KMI camp that held at Kem Rekreasi Merang, Setiu.. 

...Segelas air MiLo u brEakfaSt...

....SepinGGan Nasi DagaNg.....

U all know wat?? I just get this certificate last week but actually this certificate has been given since in December 2011.. What a pity on me as I'm late to found out bout this matter..thanks Allah!

..I fOuNd thiS little tiNy cRab, juz befOre went back to cAmpuS..
The little tiny crab above I found at the open hall in the camp... i took it to snap some pictures.. Actually, there are many more pictures for the program..but i did not copy it yet from my member..ok lah for this mownim..see yo!!

muShrOOm : muCh happY..


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