Betta commOn TermInoLoGy

Kesemua bnda yang tertulis kat bawah nie kene lah tahu kalau nak senang..betta hiasan yang dijual kat dlm internet atau pasaran kdg2 gunekan kod2 tertentu..dan kalau nak tahu istilah2 yang digunakan pon kenelah tahu sume yang tercatat kat bawah ni..

A Guide To Frequently Used Betta Terminology

Betta - The term which normally refers to Betta Splenden, although there are other members of the species i.e. Betta Pugnax, Betta Picta.

SFF - Siamese Fighting Fish, the common name for Betta Splenden.

PK Or Plakat - A short finned Betta Splenden. The first of the genus of Betta Splenden bred from wild Bettas in Asia for the purpose of fighting. The fighting of Bettas still takes place in some countries.

VT Or Veil Tail - Commonly available at most fish shops. Their long fins were produced through selective breeding of wild type Bettas.

Roundtail - The caudal fin has a fully rounded appearance.

ST Or Spade Tail - The characteristics of this type is the spade shaped caudal fin.

DT Or Double Tail - The caudal fin is separated into two equal & symmetrical parts top & bottom. The dorsal fin should also be of equal dimensions to the anal fin.

CT Or Crowntail - The webbing of the fins is reduced leaving the rays of the fin extending forming a crown appearance. The webbing should be of equal length on all the fins.

Delta - The caudal edges will be straight and there will be little, if any, curve in the edges of the fin.

SD Or Super Delta - The edges of the caudal fin will be straight, but will have wider spread than the Delta. Some SD''''''''s are not far short of being HM.

HM Or Halfmoon - The edges to the caudal fin will be straight or curved outwards. The spread of the caudal will be 180 degrees from top to bottom.

HMPK Or Halfmoon Plakat - Shows the same caudal characteristics as the HM, but short-finned.

OHM Or Over Halfmoon - Same as for HM, but the caudal will extend beyond 180 degrees.

RT Or Rosetail - The Rosetail will show the characteristics of the HM, but with more ray branching. This gives the caudal fin a ruffled edged appearance.

FT Or Feathertail - As far as fin development can go. The caudal develops to show the appearance of a feathered edging. This feathered look will be quite obvious when the fish is mature. N.B. Never breed two FT''''''''s together as the babies may struggle with excessive finnage.

Ray Branching - Refers to the number of times the fins ray splits. This can be seen best in a good quality picture of your Betta. From where the caudal fin leaves the body, follow one ray and then count how many times it splits. The more splits, the stronger the tail form will be. It is not unknown for a HM to have 14 ray branches.

Vents Or Ventrals - The two fins that hang downwards underneath the gills.

Pecs Or Pectorals - These are the small rounded fins seen at either side of the Betta near the head end (rather like little flappy ears).

Ovi Spot Or Ovipositor - The female organ used for releasing the eggs.

Labyrinth Organ - The organ used by Bettas to breath air from the surface of the water.

Chimney - An open ended (top & bottom) vessel used to safely introduce the female to the male prior to breeding. It can be a hurricane lamp glass or simple plastic bottle with the top and bottom cut off.


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